Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Tony Bush & George Blair 'Love Affair'

Hi There,

Here is something to make you smile. Believe me, it is performed by two of the oldest biggest crackpots in the world - they are not part of 'G4' - they belong to the G 8.

Don't be put off by the fact that it is a little film - it only takes minutes to download.


Blogger THE GIANT said...

like your post stumbled into blogging i posted as the giant just learning dont know how to work with pc,im .i have giantism very painful joints,veterans doctors dont understand the help pot is .i am without at present could get through the mail but cant afford the cost at your music i have 25,000 lps.i have to locate a five pennies album i found 1955-1959 if i rember correct its with danny kaye and louis armstrong. not sure would like to send to you record or cd.i keep pretty busy opening 2 sites and selling records and broadcasting inet radio to both and accepting new artists music and sell for them too.i would enjoy hearing from cannabus grandma thanks BOB THE GIANT

8:44 AM  
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6:21 AM  

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